The furnace is manufactured
with a strong structure of Steel Fe 37 with appropriate reinforces, in a
w ay that it will be no subject to alterations during operation.
The furnace insulation is obtained using the last technology
state-of-the-art. Ceramic resistance carriers will maintain the
resistances located on the floor in their position. The door opens and
closes through a movement actioned by a gear motor; two limit switches
will stop the door at the des~red positions and a manual safety device
will prevent the door's drop in case of accidental break of the chain.
The furnace has a panel board according to CEI Standards and it is
provided with a temperature program that set up the temperature rising
and state the cycle life.
It is possible to supply the panel board in two executions:
• Standard execution with contactor;
• Special execution with waves train and with the possibility to limit
the power.
The installed power changes according to the dimensions of the chamber.